Build Fitness, Muscle and Stamina Protocol #2
Achieving optimal fitness, stamina and muscle strength involves many factors including hormonal regulation, soft tissue repair and electrolyte balance. This protocol is sure to assist you on your wellbeing/fitness journey…
Shop the Bundle and Receive 10% Discount: Nascent Iodine (29.6mls) + MSM (600gms) + LifeForce FX (100gms) + Triple R (50mls) = $259 ==> Bundle Price $233
Daily Protocol:
1. Nascent Iodine: Take on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. Keep in mind that vitamin C will oxidise iodine rendering it less useful. Any form of vitamin C needs to be taken 90 minutes away from iodine.
Directions: 3 - 10 drops in 30 ml of water swirl in mouth then swallow, followed by more water.
2. Before your workout:
LifeForce fx: add 2 scoops (1/2 tsp) into a glass of water or your favourite smoothie.
Consider adding extra Borax (1/8th to ¼ tsp) to the mix to increase muscle mass. Additional MSM (1/4 to ½ tsp) can also be added to the mixture if needing muscle and soft tissue repair.
3. After your workout: We lose electrolytes when sweating.
To replenish the electrolytes lost during your workout add 2 scoops (1/2 tsp) LifeForce fx into a glass of water or your favourite smoothie.
4. Triple R - Shake bottle and roll on areas of body needing pain relief. Reapply after 20 mins if required!
Shop the Bundle and Receive 10% Discount:
Nascent Iodine (29.6mls) +
MSM (600gms) +
LifeForce FX (100gms) +
Triple R (50mls) = $259 ==> Bundle Price $233
Body Bliss Massage Noosa provides this website, including all written and graphical content, on an as is, where is basis and makes no claims of suitability for any particular purpose. The information provided by Body Bliss Massage Noosa is for education purpose only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your medical practitioner or qualified health provider when starting any new medical treatment.