Body Bliss Massage Noosa

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Peaceful living is possible even in today's busy, so called stressful world.

Given that a large portion of my adorable clients (yes you!) ask for de-stress, relaxation and pain relief (and that is a story for another day) in their sessions, I thought I would write a little about it today.

In the last 4 months, I have experienced 3 of the top 5 events that contribute to stress (if you believe that stuff!!), and I still choose to wake up each day and be happy.

That is the first avenue of handling what could be a stressful event.

Choice. You always have the choice how you respond to any given situation on any given day. What are you choosing that is contributing to stress in your body? What could you choose differently to alter the outcome for your benefit?

Breathe. Funny how something so natural goes out the door as soon as an event out of our control pops up. Try conscious breathing next time you're not feeling relaxed. Deep, right into your belly kinda breathing. See how different you feel after just 5 deep belly breaths.

Gratitude. Let's face it, you can't always control what others say or do and often their behavior impacts you. Take your 5 breaths, be still and gain a sense of how you can be grateful for any situation you find yourself in. Sometimes you may require more than 5 breaths to find stillness but the practice of being grateful for everything in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly gives you greater resilience for the future and a way of reframing your perception of events to help keep you peaceful on the inside, regardless of the outcome of the event.

I'd love to hear if these simple tools help you in any way dealing with life and all of the joys and adventures you experience.

** For those of you who haven't been for a while I now have a new space to massage overlooking lush rainforest in Tewantin (see the picture above, it's very peaceful!!)

Choose Bliss 

Scott Murray

*** Body Bliss continues to grow largely through the kind words/videos you have given me in testimonials. If you have some kind words about your session either reply and send me the love or place them on social media for me:

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